Pumpkin marmalade
Why is it rest makes you sleepy? Despite a short week and 2 long weekends, I feel cream crackered. It’s bizarre and as a result, I haven’t achieved too much, which for me is bittersweet. I should really embrace doing nothing and just relax.
Anyway I think the lethargy/relaxation seeped into my brain as I got a bit stuck what to share on Humble Crumble this week. ANZAC biscuits would be the obvious choice, especially after attending the Dawn Service on Friday.
However some pals laid me an interesting food challenge. Dru & Minnesota Morgan recently returned from Portland, Oregon. Whilst they waxed lyrical about the eateries of Portland, they told me about a pumpkin and cinnamon marmalade they tried.
Thinking it sounded pretty unusual, I decided to give it a go. Turns out there are quite a few recipes, most notably from River Cottage UK (can’t beat a bit of Hugh) and Nigella. I modified River Cottage’s recipe. The result was great, thick, viscous and burnt orange in colour. It goes really well with a spot of goat’s cheese on hot toast and like my weekend was bittersweet
If like me you’re not partial to the bitter taste that you get from citrus rind in marmalade, I’d recommend just using the zest and flesh of the lime and orange.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 30-40 minutes
Equipment: Large saucepan, knife, chopping board, sterilised jars
Ingredients – makes about 6 350ml jars
- 1kg pumpkin – peeled and grated
- 2 oranges – washed and finely sliced
- 2 lime – washed and finely sliced
- 1-2 tbsp. fresh ginger – grated
- 750g sugar
- 300ml water or orange juice
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1 sachet of Jam setter/pectin/preserving sugar
- Sterilise jars and set aside (wash in hot soapy water, rinse then pop in oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees).
- Put all the ingredients (except the preserving sugar) in a large heavy bottomed pan and gently heat until the sugar has melted then bring to the boil.
- Add the preserving sugar and boil for 10 minutes (stir occasionally to prevent it burning).
- Simmer for a further 20 minutes to reduce.
- When the marmalade begins to set, remove from heat and allow to cool for a few minutes. Pour into the sterilised jars and put the lids on to create a seal.
Yum this sounds amazing! Have never had pumpkin marmalade but love the sound of it paired with goats cheese. Delish!
I’m told it goes well with a creamy blue cheese too Helen.
This is fantastic! We tried it with sharp cheddar on crackers and it was good but.. it’s even BETTER as a breakfast marmalade on hot buttered toast!! <3
Thanks Morgan, I think I have just decided what to have for break tomorrow.
pumpkin marmalade is interesting, Wanna try it,,,
Do it, it’s easy, tastes great and has an almost velvet like quality to it.