Goblin’s Blood Halloween Drink
I’ve created a new category on Humble Crumble called ‘For The Kids’. The idea came from a friend with children, who is always looking at ways to get the little ones eat more fruit and veg.
Healthy eating for children is something that I’m pretty passionate about. When on occasion, I’ve watched programs on TV, featuring kids where the only vegetable they will eat is a potato, I invariably find myself yelling at the TV in disgust. I don’t have kids, so it’s easy for me to say, but I just find it hard to accept. Parents (most of the time) look after their kids. Diet is part of that.
From my (limited) experience looking after my niece and friends kids, I’ve found that the more you can engage kids in what they eat, the easier it is.
- Set a good example from an early age and eat fruit and veg in front of them and with them.
- Treat eating fruit and veg as normal don’t make a big deal out of it.
- Get them involved either in growing the fruit and veg and/or making the recipe. Kids in the kitchen isn’t practical every day as it takes twice as long, but whenever possible at the weekends.
- Excite them with fun stories or names about the food.
- If possible teach them why a particular food is good for them, what does it do.
For The Kids, will be a collection of recipes that are super healthy and the kids will love, I hope. Where possible I’m going to make these recipes quick and easy too. Of course there’s no reason why the big kids can’t enjoy these recipes, in fact some of the recipes, weren’t created specially for kids but the little ones have loved.
So being that Halloween isn’t far off I’ve themed accordingly. Goblin’s Blood, it sounds grim but it’s in fact just a super booster juice packed with energy and iron. The colour might not appeal, but taste it and you and the kids will be hooked. The banana and the avocado make this thick and creamy.
I’ve only made this with a juicer and a stick blender which I appreciate not everyone has. You could try in a blender and substitute apples for apple juice, but my guess is it wont be as smooth.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Makes 4 glasses
- 1 large bunch of fresh (English style) spinach – washed with root removed
- 1 ½ green apples – quartered
- 1 cucumber (preferably Lebanese as it’s not as bitter)
- ½ a ripe avocado – diced
- 1 large ripe banana – sliced
- 4 ice cubes
- ¼ cup of fresh basil or parsley (optional)
- Put the spinach (stalks and all), cucumber and apple into the juicer. This will extract a rich emerald green juice.
- Turn the juicer off and set aside. Now add the ice cubes, avocado and banana to the green juice. Using either a benchtop or a stick blender, blend for a minute or until the avocado and banana are liquidized.
- Serve straight away as the longer you leave store it the less the nutritional value.
Ha love the name of this drink. I do find it sad when kids don’t eat their fruit and veggies. I think enthusiasm does go a long way!
Thanks Helen, I find it sad and frustrating, I know someone’s kid and the only veg they eat is potatoes. Nuts
What a clever idea. I have friends that have kids that eat everything and I think that they’ve often got a healthy relationship to food
Very cool and spooky name, that would have any kid having a slurp.
Thanks Sara, wouldn’t mind giving this a go with beetroot too. Perhaps zombie blood.